Frozen Mercy temporarily on hold

As announced on my Facebook page earlier today:

I realize I’ve been avoiding this and for that I’m sorry. Frozen Mercy, Northern Wolves #2 is on hold. The reason being…I got lazy about backing up my files and sadly, due to a computer error on my part…the vast majority of Frozen Mercy is gone.

This book has fought me tooth and nail for months now. It’s been a struggle to write from day one, and I was finally getting close to being done and now it’s gone. Thanks to some help from some rather computer savvy people we were able to salvage 34 pages. The rest needs to be rewritten.

I’ll be honest and say I can’t do that right now. I need a break from this book. So I’ve decided to put Northern Wolves on hold. I’m pulling Cold Mercy (Northern Wolves #1) from sale because its already been up a year without seeing a sequel and if my next attempt at Frozen Mercy is anything like this last one, it could be a while yet.

I’m sorry for those who have been waiting for this book. I can’t even begin to say how devastated I am to have lost this book or how sorry I am to have let those waiting for it down.  I truly am sorry. If I could turn back time I can guarantee you I’d have backed that bad boy up so many times. I’m still floored that I don’t have a single full copy of it anywhere.

The only thing I can do at this point, because I so need this break before I even think of tackling this book again, is to move forward with a different project. Brandt’s book in Shifter Town Enforcement is next up in the queue and I’ve already started it. This book is flowing, it’s coming rather easily, so I’m hopeful that it’ll be out in the coming months. Once again, I apologize everyone. There’s still a book on the way, it’s just not Frozen Mercy right now. 😦


–I’m still in shock. I always back up my work and I can’t believe that of all the projects out there, I had to be so forgetful with this one. Frozen Mercy wasn’t easy to write. -sigh- I’m sorry guys. I’m not removing it forever from the table, but the thought of rewriting it from scratch after struggling with it for these past few months just…I’m not ready to do it yet.

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